

Text is reprsented and manipulated using objects instances of type str.


>>> "hi"
>>> type('hi')     # confirm type

When you execute the code “hi” or str(“hi”), the python interpreter:

  1. Creates an object of type str
  2. Gives it the value “hi”
  3. Returns this newly created object


Many! Consult the online documentation: https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/stdtypes.html#string-methods


  1. Find practical uses cases of where you’d like to manipulate text.
  2. Using the above documentation and the interpreter interactively try to map those use cases to actual code solutions.
  3. Try to imagine use cases for each of the methods that exist on str objects in the docs.

Conversion functions

Often we need to convert between numbers and text. (Why?)

You can use the int and float functions to convert str objects into number objects:

>>> int('3')
>>> float('3.4')     # constructor can convert from str
>>> str(3)
'3'                  # note the ''s that indicate a str object
>>> str(3.4)

User Input

To make programs interactive use a function named input:

>>> name = input("Please enter your name: ")
Please enter your name:

When the interpreter meets input it:

  1. prints the string message passed as an argument to input,
  2. Buffers (stores) any characters typed
  3. On enter returns the characters as a new String.

Here the resultant string is assigned to the name name.

So if the user types in Sophocles then enter, a string object of value ‘Sophocles’ is assinged to name.

if and elif

We can define more complex conditional behaviour by combining if with elif and else:

>>> x = input("Enter your age: ")    # input returns a str
Enter your age: 24
>>> x = int(x)                       # convert to an int
>>> if x < 18:
...     print('You are a child')
... elif x == 18:
...     print('You have just turned into an adult')
... else:
...     print('You are an adult')


  1. Rewrite the number programs bar.py, ride.py and trader.py to take input from the user. Think of an appropriate question to print to screen to solicit a correct response.

What if the user enters nonsense? There is rarely a program without some form of validation. This is explored in the next exercise.

  1. A sign up form on a website for the company ‘Very Big Corp. Of America’ requires information from its clients. The company wants to do gender based email marketing. Put this code in big_corp.py

    a Write a program that asks clients their name, address, and gender. Ensure that

    gender is represented as either ‘m’, ‘f’. If it is not ask the user again. Once all information is inputted print ‘Hi Mr Greg, we have shaving blades reduced this week’ and for women ‘Hi Ms Natalia, we have cosmetics currently on sale’

    b The same program now requires people to enter their email address. Add this

    but ensure it is well formed. You will need to define what a well formed email address is.

  2. A mobile phone company bills clients on a certain plan differently depending on whether they have dialed a number containing 0845 or not. Write a program that asks the user which number they’d like to dial and answers whether it is ‘free’ or ‘paid’. Use mobile.py

  3. A geneticist needs your help identifying if a dna sequence exists in a larger strand of dna. A DNA sequence consists of a sequence of A, T, G, and Cs. Write a program that takes a DNA sequence from the user and confirms ‘Found’ or ‘Not Found’ depending on whether the input is contained in the target DNA strand. Use dna.py


    As a challenge extend this program to check that the input is correct.