
You can think of functions as actions, verbs, or commands and you can think of parameters as adverbs: ‘run, quickly’

Functions are special objects that contain code.

When you call them, using special syntax (), you execute the code they contain.

>>> turtle.forward             # functions have names
<function turtle.forward>
>>> turtle.forward(10)         # actioned by use of '()'s

All turtle instructions are examples of calling functions attached to the turtle object.

print is another function:

>>> print('hello')

print simply prints its parameter to the console.


Functions and methods are very similar. Methods exist on objects however functions stand alone.

Function objects

A function like everything in Python is an object. Function objects are different in that they contain blocks of code.

Functions help in letting programmers organise and reuse code. They help create new abstractions.

Function objects have names. The name is assigned at the same time you define a function.


Creating function objects requires special syntax:

>>> def my_function():
...     print('hello')    # Note 4 space indentation
>>> type(my_function)

The def keyword is followed by the function object name, followed by () and then a colon.


def going_nowhere():


  • The body of a function is the following block of code.
  • A block is defined by a colon, and one or more indented lines.
  • The indents are 4 spaces. The block ends on the first non indented line. (Take care to use spaces and not tabs for indenting)


We ‘call’ functions by adding () at the end of their names. This is syntax unique to functions. It means action the function objects’ code block.


Indentation is the number of spaces from the left hand side. In python it defines blocks of code.

If you get this kind of error:

>>> def awef():
... print('hi')
  File "<stdin>", line 2
IndentationError: expected an indented block

It simply means the indentation wrong. Here the programmer has forgotten to add 4 spaces on the new line after the colon.


We saw names generalise code and eases code reuse. This is also true of functions that take arguments.

Compare this function without arguments:

def draw_right_angle():

to this one with arguments:

def draw_right_angle(length):

The second function is more flexible. It can be used to move by any length.

The argument acts as a variable only defined inside the function’s code block.

Functions can have many arguments:

def move_diagonally(angle, length):

Function Scope

We have seen two ways to add to a given namespace:

  1. An assignment statement adds a name that references an object.
  2. A function definition associates a name with an object of type function.

Functions however create a namespace for the code it contains.

We will use pythontutor to exercise visualising program execution.

Step through each line of code in the browser.

Notice that when execution enters a function, a new ‘frame’ is created.

The interpreter creates a new namespace associated with this frame. It is isolated from the ‘parent’ frame’s namespace. This namespace is emtpy unless parameters are passed.


A namespace and a frame are different objects. For the purpose of this course however think of them as the same.


Shapes with Arguments

Reopen and define every shape as a function with sensible arguments.

Consider whether this make the code more modular, readable, reusable and general?


Refactor (rewrite) your house code as a function that uses two other functions.

Conversion Programs

This exercise assumes you have completed the about_functions koans.

For each conversion function you completed in the Koans, write a simple command line program that prompts the user for input and returns the result.

For example with the function convert_to_miles, create a file named and put your code in there.

Expect users to be able to run this kind of dialog:

> python         # user runs program
Please enter miles to convert: 34               # user enters 34
34 miles corresponds to about 54.4 kilometers

Do the same for celsius to farenheit.